Wednesday, November 12, 2008

PNP issues memo clarifying that there is no prohibition on the accessibility of the media in blotter but make classifications on what not to release

November 12, 2008
Story: PNP issues memo clarifying that there is no prohibition on the accessibility of the media in blotter but make classifications on what not to release

In an effort to clarify the misunderstanding occurred between media and the Philippine National Police (PNP) the latter release a memo saying, “as a general rule there is no provision on the accessibility of the public or media to the information contained in the police blotter.”

The clarificatory memorandum released two days after the PNP made a dialogue with media representatives from National Press Club (NPC), Kapisanan ng mga Broadkaster ng Pilipinas (KBP) and Volunteers against Crime and Corruption (VACC). On the first memorandum of the PNP, it said that “Police blotter...shall not be made accessible to the public and media without proper authorization...” this irked the media who will be affected in getting information.

But, on the new memo, it clarifies what should be made available to the media and not. Information are not readily accessible unless in compliance with law and proper authorizations are criminal offense wherein the victims are women and children; and if there is an ongoing follow-up operation and releasing its information may compromise the case or the people involved.

Also, if the information in blotter is for record purposes only or if the complainant request for it, the information will be accessible with precaution.

“These information are accessible to the media but with caution. There are certain cases like walk-in complainant, who specifically requested that information should be kept in confidence, and entries, which are for records purposes. We want to point out to the media that there will be certain request,” PNP Spokesman Chief Supt. Nicanor Bartolome said.

The memo also states, the head of office is responsible in providing the media with the information. The Public Information Officer, Duty officer of the day, Desk Sergeant should also do the same.

Bartolome also clarifies that the memo is for their police personnel in lower units, “We are also clarifying that this directive are for PNP personnel and not to prohibit the media on access to information.”

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