Friday, April 11, 2008

11,000th botika ng barangay launched by GMA in Taguig, GMA ok the removal of generics only provision in cheapmeds bill

April 11, 2008
Story 4: 11,000th botika ng barangay launched by GMA in Taguig, GMA ok the removal of generics only provision in cheapmeds bill

President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo lead the launching of the 11,000th botika ng barangay in Taguig City, Friday morning.

The president said the celebration coincides the 20th anniversary of the Generics Law of the country. “With this project of botika ng barangay, we are bringing much cheaper medicines to the people who cannot afford the branded ones.” Arroyo also added that the medicines at the botika ng barangay are much cheaper for about 50% off.

On her speech she said she is hoping that the cheaper medicines bill become a law on the resumption of session of both Senate and Congress on April 21.

“They are locked up in the Bicameral Conference Committee. Because on the ‘Generics only provision’ which says that on the prescription, only generic name will be written,” Arroyo said.

She expressed her willingness on passing the cheaper medicine bill into law. If the generic only provision becoming the hindrance, the President wanted it to be removed.

DOH Secretary Francisco Duque explained he already told some senators and congressmen that they are willing to let the generics only provision be removed on the cheaper medicine bills, “for the loosends to be meet.”

Duque admitted that he wants the generic only provision to promote the generics medicine are also alright to take just like the branded ones, so that many people will buy generic brand.

“But since, about 54% of our people are already informed of the generic brand of medicines, that provision can be removed already,” Duque said.

The 11,000th botika ng barangay was launched inside PNP Camp Bagong Diwa in Taguig City. According to Duque, the administration of the NCRPO administration applied at the DOH for them to have the botika on their area. Even if the drugstore is inside the camp, the public can still buy from it.

“We are thankful to them, we want to have this because we want to do our part in helping more our people,” Barias said.

Duque praised the president with this project, saying that “this is the most effective and successful health project of the president.”

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